Thoughts that Count – exploring the basics of the basics

Three fascinating pathways to violinistic mastery

Making ‘sound connections’ by exploring new thought pathways

One-off lesson? Please get in touch here

Thoughts That Count – pdf  (no subscription needed)

(Strad magazine feature,  Alun Thomas, Jan. 2022, exploring 3 pathways to skilful playing)

Podcast for Strad Magazine 2022

(Conversation with Davina Shum for the Strad Podcast No.26 Jan 2022 in which I talk a little about my work)

Click here to read at the Strad Online\

Here’s a short talk illustrating some important themes…

Lessons online or in-person.

Online workshops:

Next one – February 16th 7-9pm

 ‘Thoughts that count’.  –

 3 Pathways to effortless playing – an online workshop based on my    feature in theJanuary 2022  STRAD magazine.

Fabulous balance, perfect pressing and getting around the violin with supreme accuracy – only every time. 

Learn to make a beautiful sound!

And much more…..


Free copy of the article, ‘Thoughts that count’

Private lesson discounts for participants worth £150

Details below and booking via eventbrite…

Book now to attend this workshop and grab some great freebies and discounts.

Thought that count – March 2nd ONLINE

Thoughts That Count

New Year Offer!

I’m offering a series of 6 lessons to explore in more depth, three themes presented in my article from the STRAD magazine, Jan 2022.

Podcast for Strad Magazine 2022

Thoughts That Count – Strad feature, January 2022

Please book lessons below or get in touch using the form below.

Please click here to book a lesson – online or in person.